The Masai Mara National Reserve covers approximately 1,510 square kilometres in south-western Kenya. It is the northern-most section of the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem, which covers almost 25,000 square kilometres in Tanzania and Kenya. It is enclosed by the Serengeti Park to the south, the Siria escarpment to the west, and Masai pastoral ranches to the north, east and west. The Sand River, Talek River and Mara River are the major rivers in the reserve. Shrubs and trees fringe most drainage lines and cover hillslopes and hilltops. The Mara, as it is affectionately known, is any wildlife lover, conservationist or photographer's dream destination. The wide open spaces and grasslands make for spectacular game viewing and due to the area being predominantly grassland, photographers are treated to mostly un-obscured views of their subjects. The migration of the wildebeest is a phenomenon that has to be witnessed at least once. However many migration photographs and videos one has seen, it will never be able to replace the real-life experience. Kenya is a fantastic place, and the Mara is the cherry on top.